Ah, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. With their distinct appearance, stubby legs, and those oh-so-expressive ears, it’s no wonder these dogs are one of the most beloved breeds around.

While their charming looks are undeniably adorable, new owners can sometimes be taken by surprise by their barking tendencies.

Let’s dive into understanding and managing the barking habits of your Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy.

Why Do Corgi Puppies Bark?

  1. Herding Instincts: Pembroke Welsh Corgis were originally bred for herding livestock. This innate behavior means they often bark to control movement or alert the pack of something new or suspicious.
  2. Attention Seeking: Like all puppies, Corgis can bark when they want attention, playtime, or food.
  3. Alarm: A doorbell, new visitor, or any sudden noise can trigger your Corgi’s alarm system.
  4. Boredom: If they’re left alone without anything to do, barking can become a pastime.
  5. Fear or Anxiety: Unfamiliar situations, new environments, or certain objects can make your Corgi nervous, leading to barking.

Tips to Manage and Reduce Barking

  1. Understanding the Cause: Before you can effectively address the barking, you need to understand the root of the behavior. Is your Corgi scared? Bored? Looking for attention?
  2. Training: Basic obedience training from an early age can do wonders. Commands like “quiet” or “enough” can be very helpful. Remember to always use positive reinforcement!
  3. Exercise: Corgis are active and intelligent. Regular physical and mental exercises can help them release pent-up energy and reduce unnecessary barking.
  4. Socialization: Expose your Corgi puppy to a variety of experiences, people, places, and sounds. This will help reduce fear-induced barking later on.
  5. Avoid Negative Reinforcement: If your Corgi barks for attention and you give it, you’re reinforcing the barking behavior. Instead, wait for a lull in the barking, then reward the quiet behavior.
  6. Diversion: Divert your puppy’s attention with toys or play when they start barking.
  7. Calm Environment: If certain sounds or stimuli trigger your Corgi’s barking, try to create a calm environment. This might mean turning on some calming music or creating a safe space for your Corgi to retreat to.
  8. Consult a Professional: If the barking is excessive or you can’t pinpoint a cause, it might be time to consult a professional dog trainer or behaviorist.

Final Thoughts

While the barking tendencies of your Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy might test your patience at times, it’s essential to remember that barking is a form of communication. Instead of getting frustrated, strive to understand the reason behind the bark and address it with patience, love, and consistency.

Remember, every Corgi is unique. While some might be more vocal, others might be quieter. Embrace your Corgi’s individual personality, and with the right approach, you can nurture a balanced and harmonious relationship with your furry companion.

FAQs on Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppies Barking Guide

Q: Why is my Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy barking so much?
A: Corgis have a natural herding instinct which can make them bark to control movement or alert the pack. They may also bark due to reasons such as seeking attention, feeling alarmed, boredom, or experiencing fear or anxiety.

Q: Are all Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppies naturally vocal?
A: While the breed does have a tendency to be vocal due to their herding background, individual personalities can vary. Some Corgi puppies may be more vocal than others.

Q: How can I reduce my Corgi puppy’s excessive barking?
A: Start by understanding the cause of their barking. Training, ensuring they get enough exercise, socializing them from an early age, using diversion tactics, and creating a calm environment can help reduce excessive barking. Positive reinforcement is crucial.

Q: Will my Corgi stop barking as it grows older?
A: While puppies are generally more energetic and can bark out of youthful exuberance, Corgis might still retain some of their vocal tendencies as they age. However, with consistent training and understanding their needs, you can manage their barking even as they grow older.

Q: My Corgi barks every time the doorbell rings. What can I do?
A: This is an alarm response. You can train your Corgi by exposing them to the doorbell sound repeatedly and rewarding them for not barking or for stopping barking on command. Over time, they’ll associate the doorbell with a positive experience.

Q: Are there any tools or devices to help control my Corgi’s barking?
A: There are devices like ultrasonic bark controllers or citronella spray collars that can deter barking. However, it’s essential to consult with a professional or vet before using them to ensure they are humane and suitable for your pet.

Q: I’ve tried everything, but my Corgi still barks excessively. What should I do?
A: If the barking is extreme, it’s always a good idea to consult with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist. They can provide tailored advice and strategies to help manage your Corgi’s barking.